
Not keeping Up

My life is regularly updated in my bedside paper journal, but for shame, this blog business does not hold this girl's interest.

In case you're reading and wondering how I am, please know that I am very well indeed. Also, please weigh in on whether you think hoola hooping while rollerskating (in a bathing suit no less) is a good idea.




Disembodied voices scare me

As I was taking a downward ride on the most faulty elevator known to man a voice called out to me. "Are you there?" I looked around. I got scared. I immediately thought of Lost and all the supernatural science fiction images of fear that have always made my heart skip a beat. My heart skipped a few beats and then I courageously responded, "Yes!" My ride concluded at that moment in the dark cold basement parking level that houses my prison cell storage unit. I walked away as the voice rose again. This time asking, "Is the elevator working?" I said yes and laughed at myself.


Mr. Movie Visit #344

Today he came around the corner with this headline, "Guaranteed Top 5: Miami Vice." He then explained his position, "I'm sure you get hit on.....(well yes, sometimes)...how's this for a pick-up line?" He answers himself "mam, would you like to have a drink with me?" He queries, "so simple, so perfect, who could refuse?" The thing that he loved most about the movie was the fact that this line lead to lovemaking on the bed, in the shower, on a plane and a beach. "But he doesn't really love her."

I never even spoke a word. Bye.

A full three hours later he returns with this postscript, "They do keep the fancy cars so you get to ride around in them."
