
bucka and carly

bucka_and_carly, originally uploaded by moxiesinclair.

taking a break from hooping outside the trailer.

BWE series.



tomatoes_3, originally uploaded by butter & oil.

dinner is going to be so yummy tomorrow night.

john and the eagle

Eagle and John, originally uploaded by moxiesinclair.

just a casual chat between man and eagle.


Erika and the Eagle

Erika and the Eagle, originally uploaded by moxiesinclair.

in honor of cougar's - far too quick - visit to seattle i am going to post a photo a day (until i get tired) of that marvelous known as best week ever.


moxie nights alternative

i did not let the change in programming derail the intent to be joyful. i just listened to different music. gave evil urges a full listen. naturally my ears perked at this song.

as i listened i stamped clothespins with the team we credo.

and i couldn't stop.

moxie nights

i've got a new ritual. it started last week and involves me having the apartment to myself on wednesday nights. the ritual is composed of two parts:

1. simply to enjoy my space / be a space maker /savor my time and express my gratitude for this sweet little life i've got.
2. listen to the roadhouse + riz because they play quality music.

it's a goddamn great ritual. i'm off...

uck, cut! since riz is on vacation and the dnc is underway i scratched #2 and listened intently to ex-presidents, senators and our future president speak.

i'll be returning with the ritual next week. for now please laugh with me at the art project of an only child and indulge me as i post another self-portrait.

"blah blah blah!" she said.


project of the week: gocco printing

i bought a much famed gocco awhile back thinking i would print our wedding invitations on them. i ended up going another route with those and the gocco has been quietly calling to me from my craft closet ever since.

enter my fairy gocco-mother, jennifer, who dove right in the day her very own gocco professional edition arrived in the mail. within a week we had arranged to have an art day at apartment s.

it was super fun and easy, and the dining room was transformed into a functional art factory. plus my gocco matched the table cloth.


yesterday johntana hosted a cougar celebration bbq.


pie times at apartment s

i used to be a pie baker at grandma violet's pies. we were wholesale bakers, selling to local co-ops and fancy grocery stores around seattle in the late 1990's. it was a two woman operation. beth, the owner, used her grandma's (can you guess her name?) marvelous crust recipe as the foundation of the business. there is a secret ingredient. i considered revealing it here by including the recipe but that type of secret is too precious to expose.

it was a truly delightful place to work. and i learned to make a mean pie.

i came home on wednesday and looked at our refrigerator and found a few pints of blueberries and strawberries at their ripest point. i said to myself, "how can we eat them all before they go bad?" and "i don't bake enough pies!" thus, i determined that it was my duty as a wife to make the best fresh berry and peach (we had some super ripe, super yummy ones) pie. so i did. here is a sampling of photos that i took along the pie highway:

naked berries
pour some sugar on me.
hot out of the oven.
a la mode and almost gone.


my 10 commandments

1. use moxie power.
2. let it go.
3. keep it simple.
4. go for it.
5. dig the moment.
6. enjoy the journey.
7. freedom, fun and flexibility.
8. love more.
9. be outdoors, be active, be courageous and trust.
10. build it.

thanks to the the happiness project for the idea.


song of the day


bird | eggs | nest | question

why do i want this so badly?

maybe because she exhibits freedom, fun and flexibility.


the tomato stands alone

the lonely tomato, originally uploaded by moxiesinclair.

meet our lone tomato. she lives on the fire escape and is a friend to the lone sunflower.


project of the week: ironing board slip

materials: old ikea duvet cover purchased at the goodwill (you might remember it from here), elastic, yellow thread.

tools: sewing machine, pinking shears.

references: i reviewed this tutorial but did it in a much more haphazard - using half the recommended materials - cutting corners type of way. the moxie way.

outcome: positive.


My Aim Is True

My Aim Is True, originally uploaded by bagelradio.

i used to call this blog 'i've never seen anything like it.' i never wrote in it. that phrase belongs to another time (a wonderful time of dancing on furniture). i decided i had to give this blog a modern identity in order for it to be a friend that i like to write about and - maybe - you like to visit. thus, the name change to 'the moxie prototype.'

it's got a certain ring to it, doesn't it?

and as simple as that i began posting more and i began doing more things that i love. or, you might argue, the reverse. more things you love = more posting to blog.

(i try not to argue and just enjoy the natural arc of things).



new kids on the block

meet the newest members of our furniture family, eames chair and olivetti print:

and meet the twins, hydrangea and dahlia:

(images, of course, compliments of our new canon rebel wonder camera).


song of the day



honeycomb love!

sweet jewelry find day.  love, love, love it.  from stone & honey.


1t read all about it!

first thursday gets serious about information resources online.   fancifully nicknamed 1t.  nifty.  i like order.

via slog.


amazing cards | names | ideas

via heartthrobs and villains, via fubiz.

i fancy business cards. i fancy imagining a business worth having a card for.

i might call it:

team we do
1a | 1b
cry baby
cat milk pill
the moxie prototype

i might:

do wedding planning
have a store that sells vintage and modern things
run a bar
have ideas
be a space maker

i'd probably have to run these ventures with my husband since we coined a few of the names together. i kind of want to design the cards regardless.


Fort Awesome, Harvard Yard

Fort Awesome, Harvard Yard, originally uploaded by drgandy.

fort awesome's from coast to coast.

If you could do anything this afternoon...

Blue, originally uploaded by Caroline Mary.

....what would you do?

i would hitch a ride on a blue balloon and blow kisses to my friends as i floated up, and away.


speaking of marriage...

we did it! and our preacher man wrote this fine article about the virtues of getting hitched by a friend. he generally reigns supreme in the crazy, thoughtful, cool department.
originally uploaded by Celia Russo.

Olivetti Valentine

Olivetti Valentine, originally uploaded by thetourist.

we just hung a print of this fine manual machine on our wall. yes sir, we got some super wedding gifts.

over at ebay i found my typewriter valentine to round out the collection.
