
christmas in tucson

it speaks for itself.

plus, i won at mini golf. hole in one!


Let’s give them something to blog about (blog about love)

I’m gettin’ hitched to k this summer. Yeah. I feel silly and girlish writing this here, but it is also precisely why this is it. I knew there was no resisting this boy when he wooed me with the Emmy equation:

NYC 1945 + Hollywood 1959 + London 1967 + Seattle 1978 + {x} = Emmy

(you've got the savvy of a no-nonsense new yorker in 1945, the glamour
of a 1959 hollywood starlet, the style of a 1967 london swinger, and
the simple joy and upbringing of 1978 seattle).

I did, however, resist for a time. I did it because I was uncertain of my preparedness for the big love that he brought to town. Turns out I am more prepared than I give myself credit for.

There was no resisting him, not a chance, from this moment on:

Swooning all the way.


a gift for the girl friday in me

i said i wouldn't come back here this year, but there are gifts to give and receive and this one cried, "moxie!"

does this scroll pen scream burnsy to you too? it does to me.


Silver Christmas Kitty Tree!

We pushed Christmas into the dining room corner and will be setting off to Tucson for the holiday.

Lucky tree!

Lucky cat!

I don't imagine I'll return to these parts before the new year. Enjoy yourself. There will be kitchen, 2b and bathroom photos in the next postings. I reckon that will wrap up the house tour.

Nighttime House Tour Continued (during the day)

The entry:

it's true.

house rules.

box box and the gang.

coats! baby it's cold outside.


Nighttime House Tour

We did it! We painted the bedroom green! I guess I'll start the night tour there...

View from the bed:


Closer still, and with feeling:

Oh boy, that tired me out. Goodnight.

Come back tomorrow to see the Christmas tree, box box and the gang.


now with color

i've been meaning to put these photos of our Virgin Robe blue living room and the Victorious golden entry but with the delay in painting of the bedroom (Grazing green) due to the manager marching in and saying we were not to paint and must cease immediately, i put it off.

now that we have started it is hard to imagine leaving any of the walls the blah cream of their current state. i see a warm brown in the dining room, fire engine red in the kitchen and something amazing and unknown in the bathroom.

if i post about apartment s again it will be wild with color and comfort. later.