
Let’s give them something to blog about (blog about love)

I’m gettin’ hitched to k this summer. Yeah. I feel silly and girlish writing this here, but it is also precisely why this is it. I knew there was no resisting this boy when he wooed me with the Emmy equation:

NYC 1945 + Hollywood 1959 + London 1967 + Seattle 1978 + {x} = Emmy

(you've got the savvy of a no-nonsense new yorker in 1945, the glamour
of a 1959 hollywood starlet, the style of a 1967 london swinger, and
the simple joy and upbringing of 1978 seattle).

I did, however, resist for a time. I did it because I was uncertain of my preparedness for the big love that he brought to town. Turns out I am more prepared than I give myself credit for.

There was no resisting him, not a chance, from this moment on:

Swooning all the way.

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