
Ass Looker

i was sitting in a conference room with my badass girl scout cookie sharing co-worker, a. the room has an internal window with blinds that were partially opened. we were chatting about home improvements and self control when both of us noticed some folks that we had never seen before. we commented on it to one another and watched as a wonderful transaction ocurred.

another lady employee walked by one of the unknown men and he just clear turned his head and focused on her butt for ten seconds or more. i noticed it, a. noticed it. we laughed, and then we called on the lady to share our delight. we all laughed again.

it's silly, but i really love catching people doing things like that when they have no idea that anyone has seen them. this goes for nosepicking, panty and ball readjustments, etc.

it can only be describe as an A+ 100% kind of experience.

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