
this, dear reader, you should know

i write all my posts between the hours of 8a - 430p from my glorious desk which overlooks the harvard market bartell's. i would have an unobstructed large window view of the place, but for a diseased indoor tree which allows me to see only DRUGS in bartell's signature white lettering on red.

much of what i might say here should be tempered by the fact that my job is making me stupider by the minute. sometimes i cruise the internet for hours on end without interruption and then out of nowhere a patient will stroll around the corner and say all types of strange things.

my favorite thus far was a man who followed me out of the building and then yelled "you're pretty cute, for a monkey face."

i also have regular who comes by several times a week. i don't know anyone who has as many doctors appointments as this man. he has decided, by his own volition, that i am in love with george clooney. he has promised - but not delivered - to give me a framed photo of my one true love. if he does, i have promised myself that i will masturbate upon it just once before shattering it over julia roberts' head.

here are some of the movies he has recommended:

syriana (which he didn't understand)
man on fire (makes him cry every time)
the thomas crown affair (1968, he especially liked the sensual scene with faye dunaway)

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