
30 things:

They say 30 is a big deal. So far, I feel delightfully the same. However I have been thinking a great deal about starting off this next decade with a bang and creating intentions that I want to live by. Here are 30 things to get this party started right (some of these appear to be extremely similar or are tie ins with my resolutions list, that just means these are things I really want to do).

1. Let it go
2. Take a photograph everyday (that I feel like it) for one year
3. Read three new authors
4. Go on a road trip with k
5. Learn new recipes
6. Do more yoga
7. Start graduate school
8. Start the hike a month club
9. Get this marriage started right!
10. Plant more
11. Craft more
12. Dream more
13. Dance more
14. Surprise people
15. Keep up with world politics
16. Overcome a fear
17. Tone down my yelling instinct
18. Tone up my bravery and my body
19. Give more
20. Improve my space maker skills
21. Swim in pools, rivers, lakes and oceans
22. Visit a National Park
23. Add a cool banner to my blog
24. Make tea
25. Make jam
26. Work for peace
27. Be kind to strangers and to friends
28. Be free
29. Join Zipcar
30. Do something creative everyday Paper Source, your motto rules!

update, joined and unjoined zipcar. boo.

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