
0 - 30 in thirty seconds

I turned 30 a few months ago now and the most profound change I’ve noticed is that I am more curious than ever to explore the world through new adventures. Here are 30 things that I hope to do in this lifetime:

1. Go to China.
2. See Venus de Milo.
3. Make my own cheese.
4. Take a cooking class in Italy.
5. Own land.
6. Plant and grow a beautiful flower garden.
7. Become a librarian.
8. Build our house.
9. Stay at home with our (future) wee ones.
10. Visit South Africa (during World Cup).
11. Photograph life’s simple pleasures on a new camera.
12. Give freely.
13. Can a winter's worth of marinara sauce.
14. Take annual family portraits in a B/W photo booth.
15. Live on another continent for year or two.
16. Drive an electric car.
17. Take a freighter across the ocean.
18. Sail through the Panama Canal (maybe I can combine this with #18).
19. Eat fish and meat while traveling abroad.
20. Take my kiddos on international trips (again with the combo).
21. Develop a classic and simple wardrobe.
22. Do something I think I can’t do (marathon, paragliding, manuscript)
23. Take a road trip across the country.
24. Make my own wine.
25. Get my own sourdough mother from Jennifer and bake bread.
26. Take a long train ride in a private sleeping compartment.
27. Spend more time in the wilderness.
28. Teach.
29. Name a boat.
30. Institute monthly dinner parties with friends.

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