
Delightful Surprise

While walking back to work from my homeward bound lunch break I came across a car with the hatch open and a gathering crowd. I investigated. The car was a Toyota Yaris (new to me) with writing all over it. Several young people were handing out ice cream. As I left with my fudgsicle I also learned that I could participate in a "craft clinic" at the silk screening studio on 10th between Pike and Union. I got to pick an American Apparel T-shirt and then select a design to create my very own shirt. I chose a black shirt and a design with ships reflected in the water in green. A very helpful and very braless gal guided me through the process. It turned out really cool.

I hope, if you ever see me wearing it, that you will tell me how damn fine I look in it and then marvel at my crafty skills.

Toyota sure knows how to market to this girl and now has their finger on my trigger. I'll skip the Yaris and forever long for their hybrid. Bang, Prius, bang.

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