
Things remembered - June 27

bad news
old flame
high dive
a kite
vintage guns
the zombies
hot tempers


Mr. Movie

Today my main movie man approached me with a positive review of On the Beach with Ava Gardner and Gregory Peck. He said there was a beautiful love scene. Now, the first 10,000 times he came by recounting the movies he'd recently seen there was no reference to sex / love scenes, but now two in a row. I am getting nervous. I think he may have gotten wind of my promise to masturbate on Julia Roberts photograph.

He also offered this whiny lament, "In all the time we've been talking, you've never recommended a movie to me, think about it and I'll be back."

Whatever should I suggest?


About Last Night and I.P.O.D.

I was an audience member at the Central Library's Forum for Docents and Volunteers. It was a private event and they barely let me enter. The host looked me over skeptically questioning internally whether I was an invited guest. This near rejection, I believe, was due to my outfit: a Maktub shirt, well worn belt and dirty sneakers (that I wore in anticipation of my late night seven minutes in heaven with "Awesome"), or the fact that my eyes were fixed closely on the assortment of cheeses that were just inside the door. The goat cheese wrapped in basil was the best of the array. I had six servings - and a stomach ache by the time I reached Neumo's.

The purpose of the event was to thank us volunteers for our support and dedication. They did this by serving up good food and a meaty educational forum on “The New Downtown.” The moderator was C.R. Douglas, host on The Seattle Channel, and the panel included the following fine folks:

David Brewster, Founder of Seattle Weekly and Town Hal,l and the coiner of my new favorite acronym I.P.O.D. to which I dedicated the title of this post. It Stands for Intense Park Oriented Development. Hell yeah!

Deborah Jacobs, City Librarian, The Seattle Public Library, and a role model to me.

Peter Steinbrueck, Seattle City Councilmember, a personable politician, but I remain turned off by politic speak.

Diane Sugimura, Director, Department of Planning and Development, City of Seattle, another woman with a fabulous job of interest to me.

Deborah + Diane = a sisyphean dilemna. Will I ever stop waffling, urban planner vs. librarian?

Panel discussions like this inspire me to no end and make me want to remain a hometown girl, somehow contributing to it's vision. The outline of the talk is below:

Center City

Changing Demographics

Family Friendly

New Libraries

What's Missing?


Open / Green Space




I could go into the details, but the post is already long and it'd be much more fun to talk about it in person. So, come pick me up sometime. Take me to McSushi's. I promise you an impassioned debate.

I left with a swelling feeling in my chest and bounded up the hill with my ipod in my ears blasting the sweet sounds of The Beatles (Revolver). I joined up with a dozen or so foxy friends and flitted through the evening, through the music, through the photobooth.

Thanks to Nico for assuring me that I am a VIP and for the big drink in the glass cup. Waldorf represent!

Confidential to the perfectas, damn you tequila!

chain of fools

i'm going to be a back up lip syncher! our ceo thinks it will be fun for the administrative team to arethasize ourselves at the first annual company talent show.

go bouffant! go little black dress! go stage fright!


Ass Looker

i was sitting in a conference room with my badass girl scout cookie sharing co-worker, a. the room has an internal window with blinds that were partially opened. we were chatting about home improvements and self control when both of us noticed some folks that we had never seen before. we commented on it to one another and watched as a wonderful transaction ocurred.

another lady employee walked by one of the unknown men and he just clear turned his head and focused on her butt for ten seconds or more. i noticed it, a. noticed it. we laughed, and then we called on the lady to share our delight. we all laughed again.

it's silly, but i really love catching people doing things like that when they have no idea that anyone has seen them. this goes for nosepicking, panty and ball readjustments, etc.

it can only be describe as an A+ 100% kind of experience.



i am a fan of people who reply when invited to a gathering of any sort. i guess it must be considered old-fashioned because people often completely disregard the request. hmmph!

on that note, i was sharing my belief with someone the other day that old-fashioned gals will never go out of fashion. i'm going to live my girlhood dream and buy myself 100 petticoat dresses to test the theory.


the movie recommending, clooney boasting patient was just here

this is how he made his entrance. his face slowly emerged around the corner with a confused look. He said, "cars" in a questioning tone.


When is he going to speak again?

before counting off much further in my mind I realized he was talking about that ridiculous movie with the cartoon cars. oh yes! he said, "i've met adults who liked it" and slowly walked away as if lost.

nice to see you too!

I have been deemed an Original Gangster (finally!)

Last night, based on the recommendation of Bethany Clement and my own - local haunts -curiosity I went to Liberty, the new booze and sushi bar on 15th.

I was intrigued by the email correspondence that Bethany told me she had established with the owner's mother. It made the place seem like a family place and a hip place which lead me to believe that I might like it as much as the Hideout where this very conversation was taking place. Bethany also nearly guaranteed that I too would get to meet the owner.

My date and I sat down at one of the tables that look out upon the wonderfully large alley view windows that frame the bar and feature mirrors above them.

Next to us was a young, curly haired man on a laptop. He was eating a burger out a of Styrofoam container. Date X and I began talking about what to order. There are three vegetarian sushi options on the menu, spinach rolls, garden veggie rolls with wasabi aioli and another whose name I have forgotten. I was trying to determine which one to order. The aforementioned burger man leaned over and said that the sushi "is very good here." I thanked him and asked if he had recommendations for the lovely vegetarian to his left (me). He recommended the garden and forgotten name rolls. In homage to my defiant nature I went with the spinach roll.

Date X began talking, but the total of my measly brain power was devoted to guessing if this was, indeed, the famed owner. I turned to him and asked what his affiliation with the place was, "owner or regular...nobody else would eat a burger from another joint at a sushi bar." he confessed that he was the owner. He continued that they were very amenable to people bringing their own food in as Liberty is primarily a bar and he wants people to be well fed.

I asked for his mother's email address. He kindly declined my request.

We talked about Bangkok, where he had lived for several years and then he closed the laptop and went away.

I turned back to Date X and we began talking shop, e.g. music, interests, family and other first date garbage. We drank Manny's (after Manny's after Manny's) and realized that we had been talking for a very long time with no sign of our food. We asked the waitress about this in a very friendly way. It was amazing. I was not angry. I did not want to dine and dash or any other such shenanigans that typically overtake me when I receive anything less than superb service. She told us that the order had not been forgotten they were just moving slowly tonight. That seemed to satisfy us.

Finally the food arrived. It was delicious and the tactic of making us wait only served to please us more. I love the taste of avocado. Love it.

The date went on, with lots of trips to the bathroom.

And then he was back, my new favorite bar owner. He sat beside me and apologized for the wait time. I was smitten. I love a restaurant owner that easily mingles with his patrons and that acknowledges your individual experience. I told him that all was forgiven because the food was so good and 15th had been lacking a joint like this for at least 28 years.

I confessed that the neighborhood and this street in particular were my childhood haunts; that I slept at the foot of the register of Rainbow Grocery when my dad ran it in the very early 1980's.

And this, my friends, brings me to the point of the story: He crowned me the OG of 15th Avenue East. I was so honored. It felt like the accolade that I've been waiting for my whole life. Now I have lived.

Now, you should rush out to Liberty and see what type of glory Owner X bestows upon you.


this, dear reader, you should know

i write all my posts between the hours of 8a - 430p from my glorious desk which overlooks the harvard market bartell's. i would have an unobstructed large window view of the place, but for a diseased indoor tree which allows me to see only DRUGS in bartell's signature white lettering on red.

much of what i might say here should be tempered by the fact that my job is making me stupider by the minute. sometimes i cruise the internet for hours on end without interruption and then out of nowhere a patient will stroll around the corner and say all types of strange things.

my favorite thus far was a man who followed me out of the building and then yelled "you're pretty cute, for a monkey face."

i also have regular who comes by several times a week. i don't know anyone who has as many doctors appointments as this man. he has decided, by his own volition, that i am in love with george clooney. he has promised - but not delivered - to give me a framed photo of my one true love. if he does, i have promised myself that i will masturbate upon it just once before shattering it over julia roberts' head.

here are some of the movies he has recommended:

syriana (which he didn't understand)
man on fire (makes him cry every time)
the thomas crown affair (1968, he especially liked the sensual scene with faye dunaway)

round 1

after nearly two years with this little darlin' lying dormant - wanting to pounce - i am kicking my fear of public displays of writing in the vagina (oh mosh, how i love thee). i'll explore with caution, like a timid child, then see what happens.

the news:

hello. as of july 2005 i have a diminished concentration span that has inhibited my ability to read a book. this pisses me off. the ramifications of this are manifold. some say i drink too much, i deny myself therapy, i'm having the time of my life.

i know there must be a book out there that can propel me back into novel land. what is it?

also, would stupid jerry please give it a rest? stupid jerry, you know who you are, and you know that you are evil and unimportant.